
I need to catch up on my writing. I’ve been preoccupied with planning my summer vacation. This year will be…drum roll…Italy and Denmark.

I’ve been to Italy 3x already. I really didn’t want to do Europe. I was leaning toward Bali and Phuket. But, I had the opportunity to take a sitter who was interested in Europe, so…I couldn’t pass that up. Freedom to go do my thing? Heck ya. So Italy and Denmark it is.

Oh yeah, and I recently took a genetic test and found out I’m 58% Italian??? I always thought I was half Palestinian and half German with a pinch of Irish. Turns  out, no. 58% Italian, 14% Middle Eastern, 18% Northwestern European, 2% Irish, .1% Ashkenazi Jew, and some other miscellaneous European stuff. Well there goes my minority card.

At any rate, the Italian info was a shocker. This week I was making homemade pizza and listening to Italian music and my son rolled his eyes and said “can you quit with this Italian thing now?” He’s just mad that we aren’t going to Japan this summer haha.

I’m going to make it my rule to eat, drink, relax, and be creative while abroad. No thinking about anything serious (like work, etc). Just fun.

I’ve also been busy reading and philosophizing lately.


Excuse the horrible penmanship. I was holding my 2 year old and coffee while listening to the discussion at our Sunday service at the Buddhist temple. 

Current reading list:


There might be a tiny theme in my reading list. 

I’ve been spending time outside as much as I can. The weather has been awesome.


Our hike today. 

More serious writing to come. Once I book my apartment in Venice. And decide between Florence and Siena as a base. You know, priorities. It’s a rough life.

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